Dr. Ross' Research & Publications
Presenter - Surgery Club, NYCPM, Poster: The Incidence of Osteonecrosis in Distal Osteotomies with a Lateral Release - 66th ACFAS Annual Scientific Conference (2006)
Co-Principal Investigator -American Public Health Association Project - Common Torsional Foot Deformities in the Pediatric Population - (poster presentation)
Co-Principal Investigator - Factors Affecting the Rate of Healing in Ankle Fractures - poster presentation, 2009 ACFAS Conference
Co-Principal Investigator - Factors Affecting the Rate of Healing in Ankle Fractures - (published in Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery)
Principal Investigator - Hematoma Block: An Alternative Treatment in the Emergency Department Setting - poster presentation, 2009 ACFAS Conference
Co-Principal Investigator - Common Infecting Microorganisms in the Diabetic Foot - Poster presentation, 2009 ACFAS Conference
Principal Investigator - Hematoma Block: An Effective Alternative in the Closed Reduction of Ankle Fracture Dislocations (Tips and Pearls) - (Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery Publication)
Principal Investigator - Tips and Pearls: Surgical Management of Ankle Fractures - (Poster Presentation 2011 ACFAS)
Principal Investigator - Incidence of Acute Charcot Neuroarthropathy in Patients with an Elevated BMI (Poster Presentation 2011 ACFAS)
Principal Investigator - Charcot Neuroarthropathy: A Survey Analysis on the Surgical Management of Charcot - Poster Presentation 2012 ACFAS
Principal Investigator - Revascularization in Diabetics with Amputation: A Comparison of Endovascular Treatment versus Bypass - Poster Presentation 2012 ACFAS
Principle Investigator - Surgical Management of Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus: A Literature Review and Meta Analysis of Clinical Trials - Poster Presentation 2012 ACFAS
Principle Investigator - Surgical Recommendations for Screw Placement in the Talus: A Computer Simulated Model and Anatomic Study - Accepted Poster Presentation 2012 American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS)
Co-Principle Investigator - Prevalence of Pseudomonas in Diabetic Foot Wounds: Recommendations on Antibiotic Usage - Poster Presentation 2012 ACFAS
Principle Investigator - Revisiting the Management of Traumatic Wounds of the Foot - Poster Presentation 2012 ACFAS
Principle Investigator - Traumatic Wounds of the Foot: A Retrospective Review at a Level I Trauma Center - Poster Presentation 2012 ACFAS and Submitted for Publication
Co-Principle Investigator - Use of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation for Painful Negative Pressure Wound Therapy Vacuum Changes - Poster Presentation 2012 ACFAS
Principal Investigator - Prevalence of Pseudomonas in Diabetic Foot Wounds: Recommendations on Antibiotic Usage - Accepted Poster Presentation for 2012 American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society(AOFAS)
Principal Investigator - Role of Body Mass Index in Acute Charcot Neuroarthropathy - Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery Publication
Principal Investigator - Use of LIMA External Fixator in Limb Salvage of Severe Ankle Fracture Dislocation - Foot and Ankle Specialist Publication